Friday, 19 June 2015


I have always been a dreamer. Throw backing to when I was 8 years old choreographing dances to old Rhianna songs or pretending I was going to be a famous actress and star in world films where everyone would fall to their knees for me.  Cue 13 year old Millie who then realised the harsh aspects of reality and that my thoughts were just vivid dreams. I am 17 years old now and still don't know exactly where I am meant to be. Still dreaming.
I have always thought about being the "ordinary" and fitting in with in the crowd and obeying to the social norms of society but wheres the fun in that?
Wheres the fun of being different? Wheres the fun of seeking new adventures? 
By excepting that change and passing boundaries, we are making new adventures and being extraordinary. Believe in yourself.  
M xx

Thursday, 18 June 2015


Hey guys!

So today is the first post of a series I will be completing on here which is  "Throwback Thursday." The title is very self explanatory, but every Thursday I will write up a post of something I done in the past whether thats 2 years ago or the last few weeks!


A few months ago, me, my sister Maisie and our cousin Lucy, met the extended part of are family. This is part of the family, we haven't met before so we spent the weekend with them talking and exploring Mersea. On the Saturday we met in the evening and have a lovely chinese not far from where Lucy lives and it was so lovely to speak to people who were related to us and listening to stories and laughing all through the night. On the Sunday we travelled to Mersea which is a lovely little harbour and boating village and although it was a gloomy day, we made it fun by playing the game "Odds On" and taking Polaroids. It was such a lovely day and it was so lovely to meet family I haven't seen before.

What to you like to do with your family and friends when you travel to the seaside or just when you have some quality time together?
Let me know in the comments and lets have a discussion!

M xx


Hey, long time no see!

I am now back and back for good this time because the exam season has drawn to a close and I am now free from school and the hard ship of studying for A levels.
By now having so much time not burying my head in  a psychology textbook, I feel I need to get back into the blogging game again and this time for good!
Summer is a great month to chill out with your friends in a garden sunbathing or having a Orange is the New Black marathon but it is a chance to enjoy the time you have off with all your friends and families and also to create new adventures and overcome fears!
I have a lot of adventures planned for this summer which I will be documenting on here alongside fashion inspirations and lifestyle tips to get you through this wonderful season. 

Look forward to seeing you around! 

M xx