Friday, 19 June 2015


I have always been a dreamer. Throw backing to when I was 8 years old choreographing dances to old Rhianna songs or pretending I was going to be a famous actress and star in world films where everyone would fall to their knees for me.  Cue 13 year old Millie who then realised the harsh aspects of reality and that my thoughts were just vivid dreams. I am 17 years old now and still don't know exactly where I am meant to be. Still dreaming.
I have always thought about being the "ordinary" and fitting in with in the crowd and obeying to the social norms of society but wheres the fun in that?
Wheres the fun of being different? Wheres the fun of seeking new adventures? 
By excepting that change and passing boundaries, we are making new adventures and being extraordinary. Believe in yourself.  
M xx

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